Saturday, November 11, 2017

Wall of Shame -- Georgia Game

Originally published October 14, 2014.

Many positive statements are made to players and some even have constructive criticism. This post isn't about those.

It would be one thing if we worried about internet revenue paying for anything more than bandwidth, occasional equipment, or updates.  In a way, it's sensational and maybe shocking...precisely the kind post some writers use to generate clicks for dollars.

We've often heard about people sending negative messages to players. Uniformly, administration and sports commentators condemn the practice, but some people don't get the message, don't care or can't control themselves.

These folks have an absolute right to express themselves except for limited speech which might constitute a crime such as harassment or threats.

Likewise, we can point out when they do so. To those who think this post will somehow hurt recruiting, it's out there for any recruit to see now. What they need to see is that we find it unacceptable.

Players shouldn't have to endure these belittling words and insults.  It's worse that they get these messages and deal with them by themselves.  You can debate whether players should be paid in college, etc.  The reality is that 95% of them will never make an NFL roster. They are student athletes.

Below are tweets addressing players directly by using @ plus the athlete's screen name. The tweets are embedded in the post which means: 1. They are word for word (tweets cannot be edited), 2.they have not been photoshopped or made up for this post, and 3. we suspect that if the tweets are deleted, then they'll disappear here too. If any minor's tweets are posted, well, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, auntie, guardian or whoever you are, this is what junior's saying in public.

We haven't covered every player, but there didn't appear to be any such tweets to Dan Skipper, the running backs or linebackers. These are enough though, and it would be great to have the rest of this page blank as people reconsider and delete their tweets.

To Brandon Allen:

To Tevin Mitchel:
           It all started to unravel after fucking @TevinMitchel8 made that penalty on 3rd down, giving               them 15 yards. — Aaron Wade (@AaronWade82) October 18, 2014

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